
Myoglobin has been used as a marker of myocardial damage for almost six decades. It is commonly used in clinical practice as an early marker of acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Myoglobin is a small
heme-containing protein
that is responsible for
the oxygen deposition
in muscle tissues.

Myoglobin is a small heme-containing protein that is responsible for the oxygen deposition in muscle tissues. Only one form of myoglobin is expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscles. The Myoglobin is one of the oldest biomarkers for AMI diagnostics. Due to the high concentration of myoglobin in skeletal muscle tissues, even minor skeletal muscle injury increases the myoglobin levels in blood. Therefore, myoglobin is commonly used together with cTnI or cTnT analysis as part of a multi-marker strategy.

We offer both monoclonal antibodies and native myoglobin antigen to be used in assay development for AMI diagnostics. In addition, we offer myoglobin depleted serum that can be used a matrix for myoglobin assay development.

Learn more:

Cat# 4M23: Myoglobin Human, antibody
Cat# 8M50: Myoglobin, antigen

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