New monoclonal CYFRA21-1 antibody


Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. The use of tumor biomarkers plays a crucial role in screening, diagnosis, and management of cancers, significantly contributing to the reduction in cancer mortality and improving life expectancy.

The clinical application of CYFRA21-1 immunoassay is to detect the soluble protein fragments derived from CK19 in the circulation of cancer patients. CYFRA21-1 is considered to be the most sensitive marker in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Together with other tumor markers, CYFRA21-1 may aid in the histological classification and treatment efficacy assessment of advanced NSCLC.

To help find better solutions in tackling tumor cancers investigations, we are very much delighted to announce that our new product, mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) 1X5cc is launched today! This antibody falls under our product line CYFRA21-1 (Cat. # 4CY1) promising to deliver results with best quality and great performance to your immunoassays analysis!

As a pair recommendation, XC42cc (capture) - 1X5cc (detection) can be used in sandwich ELISA method for further analysis. You can find these both under the same Cat.# 4CY1.  

We are also excited to announce that 1X5cc antibody will be included in the Tumor Marker campaign. You’re very welcome to order Free of Charge samples during the campaign time. For more information and detailed campaign terms, please refer to our campaign page.

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