New Podcasts related to BNP and NT-proBNP


undefinedClinical Chemistry podcasts are highlighting selected articles in the journal. Now our scientists have been guests in the Clinical Chemistry podcasts related to their publications in the same journal.
Listen below the podcasts and learn more about our cardiac markers.

A paper appearing in the October 2019 issue of Clinical Chemistry examines the circulating products of BNP proteolysis by neprilysin and how they might reflect impact on the metabolism of active BNP. The lead author of that report is Evgeniya Feygina who works as a researcher in the R&D department.
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An Editorial appearing in September 2020 issue of Clinical Chemistry discusses in-depth analysis of the molecular heterogeneity of circulating N-terminal proBNP and asks the question, does detailed characterization of analyte structure really matter for its diagnostic use? The author of that Editorial is Alexander Semenov who works as a researcher in the R&D department.
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